Apply for a premises licence
Under the Licensing Act 2003, Individuals or businesses need a premises licence to conduct one or more of these licensable activities:
sale by retail of alcohol
the provision of regulated entertainment (certain types of entertainment have been deregulated)
the provision of late night refreshment (hot food and drink sales) between 11pm and 5am.
Regulated entertainment includes (with certain exceptions):
a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting event
boxing or wrestling entertainment
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance.
The licensing objectives
Under the Act there are four key licensing objectives:
prevention of crime and disorder
protection of children from harm
public safety
prevention of public nuisance.
When you make an application for a premises licence, you must show how your proposed activities will not adversely affect the licensing objectives.
Apply for a premises licence
Fill in the premises licence application form
You can either submit an online form by clicking the button below or download and submit the form as a Word document (see 'premises licence application pack').
This is a standard form that is designed for many business types, so only complete the sections that relate to the activities you wish to apply for.
The fee for this process varies. The fee can be paid by an online form. Learn more about paying your application fee.
Premises licence application pack
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Disapplied premises supervisor
Fire brigade plan
Send a copy of your application to the responsible authorities
These are bodies with specific powers under the Licensing Act 2003 to promote the four licensing objectives.
List of responsible authorities for Lewisham.
Make a plan of your premises
This should be drawn in a standard scale of 1:100 and show the following items:
the boundary of the building with any external or internal walls
entrances and exits to the building
escape routes from the building
locations of different licensable activities in the building (if relevant)
where alcohol will be consumed in the premises
fixed or temporary structures which may block entrances or exits to the building
the location and height of any stages in the premises
any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts in the premises
the location of any public toilets in the building
fire safety equipment or any other safety equipment such as the location of fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire blankets
the location of a kitchen
CCTV locations if appropriate.
Fulfil a 28-day notice period
This is the time in which your application is advertised and responsible authorities and other interested parties such as local residents can make representations to us about your application.
If one or more of the agencies are not satisfied that you have taken sufficient steps to promote the licensing objectives, your application may receive a representation.
Responsible authorities or interested parties can only object to your application on the grounds of one or more of the four licensing objectives.
Sale and supply of alcohol
If you intend to apply for a premises licence allowing the sale and supply of alcohol there are other matters you will need to address.
You will need a personal licence holder to authorise the supply of alcohol in line with your premises licence.
You will need to nominate a designated premise supervisor (DPS) on your premises licence application. The premises supervisor must be a personal licence holder in order to authorise the sale of alcohol.
If representations are received during the notice period, your application will go to a hearing.
In a hearing, both the applicant and anyone who made representations can present their case to the members, and ask questions of each other.
The members then discuss the points raised and seek legal advice from officers, before reaching a determination which they believe will promote the four licensing objectives.
All parties have a right of appeal to the magistrate's court.
Receiving your licence
If after your 28 day notice period your application has received no representations then your new licence will be granted subject only to certain conditions which are consistent with the measures you volunteered on page 14 of your application form, plus any other mandatory conditions imposed by the act.
Your new licence will remain in force from the date of issue indefinitely. An annual fee for your licence is payable on the anniversary of the date your licence was granted.
Transferring the licence or changing designated premises supervisor
See documents below to transfer the licence or change the designated premises supervisor.
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