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Privacy notice- Economics Jobs and Partnerships

Information about how and when the Economics Jobs and Partnerships processes personal information about you.​

Lewisham Business Resilience and Growth Programme

The Lewisham Business Resilience & Growth Programme offers eligible Lewisham businesses access to a wide range of business support to help you recover from the impact of COVID-19 by offering advice & support designed to help you with the challenges and opportunities that your business is facing.

Who is running the programme?

The programme is funded by the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) Scheme and delivered by Lewisham Council in partnership with Goldsmiths, University of London (NX Hub).

This could mean supporting you to:

  • Improve your online offer
  • Create a marketing strategy
  • Use social media effectively
  • Develop new products or services

Who is eligible?

Businesses must be:

  • A small or medium sized business (SME) with less than 250 employees
  • Currently trading and registered on Companies House/ Registered with a Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR)
  • Based in the London Borough of Lewisham (operating wholly or mainly from premises in the borough or at a Lewisham market or street trading pitch)

What can your business benefit from?

  • A diagnostic to help you ascertain your business goals and the best ways of achieving them
  • 1:1 advice and support from experienced business advisers and experts
  • a programme of workshops and events facilitated by leading experts
  • opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £2,500 (deadline 16 February 2022)
  • opportunity to apply for a funded work placement
  • access to business resources and local support networks
  • connecting with like-minded businesses providing opportunities to collaborate with and learn alongside others

Information collected from you (eg):

  • Name
  • Contact details/number
  • Ethnicity
  • Disability information
  • Gender
  • Email Address 

Agencies we might share the information with (eg):

  • Central Government – Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – for Audit purposes
  • Goldsmith University of London

Purpose for processing:

Service delivery, Service improvement, Service Planning

We Are Lewisham: High Street support programme

The provision of a range of support to help high street businesses in Lewisham embrace We Are Lewisham, the 2022 Borough of Culture programme, and maximise all the opportunities that it will provide.

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