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Advice for parents of newborn babies

Find advice for the early days after your baby is born.

Register the birth

You must register your baby's birth within 42 days at the register office of the district where your baby is born.

Feeding your baby

There are a number of health benefits to breastfeeding for you and your baby. The longer you breastfeed, the greater the benefits.

If you're finding breastfeeding difficult, speak to your midwife or your health visitor.

There are breastfeeding support drop-in sessions around the borough where you can:

  • go for support and information
  • get a friendly welcome and refreshments

Vitamin D supplements

All babies and children under the age of five should take a daily supplement of Vitamin D as vitamin drops. Find out more about supplements for you and your baby from your midwife or your health visitor.

You and your baby may qualify for free Vitamin D supplements a part of the Healthy Start scheme.

Starting solid foods

Babies are ready for solid food at around six months old. Find out how to tell when your baby is ready for solids, and which foods to give them.

Child benefit

Child benefit is a payment that you can claim for your child. It is usually paid every four weeks but can sometimes be paid weekly. There are separate rates payable for each child you have. The payment can be claimed by anyone who qualifies, whatever their income or savings. 

Being a parent

Find more information about being a parent, including: 

  • registered childminders in the borough
  • nursery places
  • immunising your baby or toddler
  • important development stages in your child's life.

Useful websites

After your baby

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