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Lifestyle changes you can make after your NHS Health Check

Find out what local services could help you if you're at risk of developing health conditions.

At your NHS Health Check, you may be told you are at risk of developing certain conditions such as:

  • a heart attack
  • stroke
  • diabetes.

There are a number of local programmes and services that can help you stay healthy. This could include increasing your physical activity levels or reaching a healthy weight.

After your health check, you may be referred to one of the free or low-cost programmes below.

Stop smoking advice

Your GP may refer you to the Lewisham NHS Stop Smoking Service, or alternatively you can refer yourself online.

Weight management services

If you have a BMI of 30+ (28+ for south east Asian people), you can be referred for 12 free Weight Watchers or Slimming World meetings.

Physical activity programmes

There are other services available in the borough that can help you get fit and active. These include:

Alcohol support services

Your GP or pharmacist may refer you to specialist alcohol support services. Alternatively, if you are worried about your drinking you can self-refer to the service by emailing lewishampcrs@blenheimcdp.org.uk or calling 020 8699 5263.

NHS diabetes prevention programme

If you have been told that you are at a high risk of developing diabetes following your health check, you can be referred to a free NHS diabetes prevention programme.

One You

Take the One You quiz to identify which lifestyle changes you need to make. The website also provides information and resources to support you and your family to make changes towards a healthier lifestyle.

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