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Site allocations examination

Results of the examination of the site allocations local plan.

On 28 September 2012 the Council submitted its Site Allocations local plan to the Secretary of State. On 8 March 2013 the Council received the Inspector's final report, which finds the plan 'sound' subject to incorporation of his suggested modifications.

Independent planning inspector, Roy Foster MA MRTPI was appointed to conduct the examination of this local plan. Following the examination in public, including a public hearing, the Inspector found the plan 'sound' and legally compliant subject to two modifications. 

The final Site Allocations Local Plan, incorporating the suggested modifications, was adopted by the Council in June 2013. The adopted version can be found on the main Site Allocations page.

Contact and administration

​Inspector's queries and the Council's response

The documents below contain the Inspector's comments and queries regarding the Lewisham site allocations local plan and the Council's response to these queries.

​Additional representations

Further written representations were made to the schedules of recommended modifications consulted upon from 1 October 2012 to 12 November 2012. These are listed below along with a summary of the Council Officer's response.

​Inspector's invitation to respond to certain matters and Procedural Guidance on the examinations

As part of the examination process of the Lewisham Town Centre Local Plan and the Site Allocations Local Plan, the Inspector has raised some matters requiring addressing, based on his initial queries to the Council and the Council's subsequent response to these.

On 28 November 2012, the Inspector issued an invitation to those who had made representations on the proposed Local Plans to respond to these matters. The Inspector also issued a Procedural Guidance Note containing information on procedural matters relating to the examination of the two Local Plans.

The links below contain:

  • matters that the Inspector has raised, his invitation to respond to these matters and the Procedural Guidance Note
  • the responses received in relation to the Inspector's matters
  • consolidated schedules of recommended main and additional modifications.

Agenda for Site Allocations Local Plan Examination

The agendas for the examination of the Site Allocations Local Plan which will be held over 17-18 January can be accessed via the links below:

Matters arising at the Examination

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