Site allocations further options
The further options consultation was the final stage of the Local Development Framework consultation process.
Planning fees increasing
Planning fees are changing from 1 April 2025. Fees for planning applications will rise by 1.7%. A draft fee schedule is published on the Planning Portal. Other non-statutory planning fees will increase by an average of 2.7%.
Site allocations further options report
Pdf, 11.4MB
The document below describes the purpose and scope of the Site Allocations further options consultation.
The first stage in refreshing the Site Allocations document was to review the scoping report that sets out the proposed methodology for undertaking the sustainability appraisal. This has since been developed into the sustainability appraisal which accompanies the Site Allocations further options report.
Site allocations scoping report 2010
Pdf, 1MB
Published on: 17/01/2019