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Site allocations publication

Pre-submission version of the site allocations.
Planning Committee B meeting cancelled Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Planning Committee B meeting on Tuesday 3 September 2024 has been cancelled and the item on the agenda will be rearranged at a future date.

Planning service charges

Planning services have introduced new charges for withdrawing planning applications that have not been validated. These charges are to recover administrative costs. The charge for Non-Major applications is £41.67 (£50 including VAT) and for Major applications, it is £125 (£150 including VAT).

The Site Allocations pre-submission or 'publication' version was the version the Council wanted to submit to the Secretary of State for independent examination and adoption.

The purpose of this stage was to ensure that all stakeholders and members of the public had the opportunity to comment on whether the document was legally compliant and sound.

In general terms to be ‘sound’ means that the Council has all the various evidence reports required to justify the Council’s position and that the document will be effective, in that it is deliverable, flexible and able to be monitored. It must also be consistent with national policy. The consultation period ran from Monday 12 March 2012 to Monday 23 April 2012.

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