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Get informal written feedback on simple planning queries (Planning Information Service)

​The Planning information Service offers information and advice about our processes, planning policies and planning permissions.

Who should use this service

This service is not suitable for anyone seeking comments on the acceptability of their proposed scheme. If you would like to know if your proposed planning application or proposal is acceptable, you should use the Duty Planner Standard Service.

What advice you can get

If you use the Planning Information Service, we can give you advice on:

  • submitting complete planning applications, including which forms to use and if you have filled them in correctly

  • whether or not you need planning permission to build or use a building differently

  • if the alterations you are proposing need listed building consent (you will need to apply for listed building advice in order to assess whether the alterations themselves are acceptable)

  • if you have given enough information to determine if you meet planning conditions (we cannot tell you if you meet planning conditions)

  • what a policy means, including the evidence you need to provide, and how we apply our development plan policies (we will make general comments but will not have site-specific discussions – for this you need to use the Pre-Application Advice Service)

  • if a planning obligation can be regarded to be discharged related to a specific planning permission (we will review our records for evidence and any information you provide and tell you if we can confirm this)

  • if the requirements of an identified condition has been met (we will review our records for evidence and any information you provide and tell you if we can confirm this).

What the service does not provide

  • Discuss with applicants or agents the technical merits of development on a specific site, in regard to current applications, recently refused applications or appeals.

  • Advise upon whether works constitute non-material or minor material amendments to planning permissions.

Cost of the service

The charge for the service from 1 April 2024 is £52.50 (£63.00 including VAT) per enquiry.

Planning enforcement notices

You can use the planning information service to request formal confirmation that the requirements of an Enforcement Notice have been met. The cost of this service is £125.00 (£150.00 including VAT).

You may also request that the Planning Enforcement Notice be withdrawn. Please be aware that this is an additional cost of £125.00 (£150.00 including VAT), and can only be requested in conjunction with the confirmation of Notice service outlined above.

Formal confirmation that a planning enforcement case has been closed. The cost of this service is £41.67 (£50.00 including VAT).

How to book

Download and complete one of the forms below. 

Please use the Planning information service form for all enquiries (except those regarding s106 enquiries and CIL Liability confirmations).

Email it to planning.

Please use the CIL/s106 Information Form for s106 enquiries and CIL Liability confirmations. 

Email it to CIL.

  • we will contact you within five working days and take your payment over the phone. After you have paid, we will allocate a time frame/slot for a planning officer to assess your request.

  • the officer will respond to your request in writing


Any planning advice given by officers, either orally or in writing in the course of their duties, is offered in good faith and is based on the information/evidence provided. Advice is offered without the benefit of a site visit or the involvement of other consultees (not internal and external), neighbours or other interested parties. Such views are therefore the personal opinion of that officer and are not a formal decision of, nor are they binding, on the local planning authority. The local planning authority will only be bound where a formal application is submitted and a formal decision is issued in writing.

Get in touch

Planning Department

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