Get face-to-face planning advice on more complicated development (Duty Planner Complex Service)
The Duty Planner Complex Service gives householders, their representatives and local businesses the opportunity to discuss more complex smaller development schemes.
What advice you can get
At the meeting, you can:
discuss your proposal before you submit it
make sure it is in line with the development plan and other guidance
get advice to help you develop your scheme
help get a decision made quickly.
The service covers more small-scale complex and revised schemes. For example:
complicated householder extensions and extensive alterations
changes of use and small scale (less than 100m2) alterations to business premises
revisions to the above types of schemes following the approval, refusal or withdrawal of planning applications
the adequacy of information provided in order to discharge conditions attached to planning permissions (note this does not provide input from other departments within the Council, such as the Highways or Environmental Health departments).
Larger scale proposals outside of the scope of the above areas should be made through the pre-application service.
Where the proposed development involves listed buildings, specific separate advice is available.
Research before requesting advice
You may wish to look at the Planning Portal before you book a chargeable service. Here you’ll find:
an interactive guide for houses
an interactive guide for terraces (including flats, shops and basements)
information about common projects
frequently asked questions, which cover both planning permission and building regulations.
You should also read our planning policy and guidance and our residential development standards supplementary planning document (SPD).
Cost of service
The charge for the service from 1 April 2024 is £195.83 + VAT (Total £235 including VAT) for an appointment.
Follow up meeting is £97.91 + VAT (Total £117.49)
How to book
Before you book a meeting, you should collate sketches, photographs, and/or outline plans.
To book a meeting, download and complete the form below and email it to
We will contact you within five working days to take your payment over the phone. When you have, paid we will book you a 20 minute meeting. Meetings are available on working weekday afternoons, 1–4pm.
You need to give us the details of up to two people attending the meeting.
An officer will review your materials (you can send in more information but this must be submitted by 1pm five working days before the meeting).
If your site is in a conservation area, the case officer will get comments from a conservation officer before your meeting.
After the meeting, the officer will send you a brief written summary of the key points you discussed within five working days.
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Any planning advice given by officers, either orally or in writing in the course of their duties, is offered in good faith and is based on the information/evidence provided. Advice is offered without the benefit of a site visit or the involvement of other consultees (not internal and external), neighbours or other interested parties. Such views are therefore the personal opinion of that officer and are not a formal decision of, nor are they binding, on the local planning authority. The local planning authority will only be bound where a formal application is submitted and a formal decision is issued in writing.