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Planning pre-application advice and planning performance agreements

We encourage you to use our planning service after you undertake initial feasibility work and before you draw up detailed proposals.
Planning fees increasing

Planning fees are changing from 1 April 2025. Fees for planning applications will rise by 1.7%. A draft fee schedule is published on the Planning Portal. Other non-statutory planning fees will increase by an average of 2.7%.

For larger scale projects, usually by developers, we offer two kinds of planning advice:

Get planning pre-application advice

Developers and applicants can get formal, face-to-face pre-application advice on large and complicated schemes outside of the scope of the Duty Planner (Standard) and Duty Planner (Complex) services before submitting a planning application.

Planning performance agreements

A planning performance agreement (PPA) is an agreement between the local planning authority and a potential applicant to provide a project management framework for handling a development proposal from pre-application stage through to decision.
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