Get planning advice
We offer a range of advice services to help with your planning application.
- get answers to simple queries about planning processes or checks (Planning Information Service)
- get advice at a virtual meeting on simple planning projects, provided that they are not a listed buildings, and a brief written summary (Duty Planner Standard Service)
- get advice at a virtual meeting on complex planning projects (including listed buildings) and a written summary (Duty Planner Complex Service).
- come to a pre-application meeting and get detailed written advice (Pre-Application Advice Service)
- get a dedicated planning officer assigned to your project and come to a series of design meetings for large-scale, comprehensive redevelopment schemes (Planning Performance Agreement Service)
- get advice about a listed building from a conservation officer
- find out how to engage the local community before and during the application process
Planning Department
Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
Opening hours:
The phone line is open 9am–5pm Monday–Friday, but payment system closes at 4pm
Published on: 01/03/2023