The validation process
See what the validation process is after your application is received.
Planning fees increase
Planning fees are changing from 1 April 2025. Fees for planning applications will rise by 1.7%. A draft fee schedule is published on the Planning Portal. Other non-statutory planning fees will increase by 2.7%.
After the application is received:
- We create a file and allocate an application number. This number is your planning application reference and should be quoted whenever you contact us about the application.
- The application is allocated to a planning officer.
- Once allocated, the planning officer undertakes a pre-validation check to make sure that the application meets our local requirements list.
If the application is valid
- The validation team process the application and send you an acknowledgement letter with a site notice and guidance notes.
- The validation team create a list of neighbours to consult (if appropriate).
- Letters are sent to neighbours.
- A number of statutory external and internal consultees are contacted for their comments on the application e.g. Thames Water, conservation officers, Environment Agency.
- The application is scanned and becomes available on the website.
- It is then given to the planning officer for assessment and to make a recommendation.
If the application is invalid
- You will receive an email or letter stating the reasons it is invalid.
- The application is then suspended until the requested information is received.
- The time limit for suspending the application is 21 days. After this period, the application is withdrawn and this is confirmed by either letter or email.
- Once an application has been withdrawn, you will need to submit a new application.
Withdrawn applications
If an application is withdrawn prior to validation, an administration fee of £125 (£150 including VAT) for major applications and £41.67 (£50 including VAT) for non-major applications will be levied. This is to cover administrative costs. Validated applications cannot be refunded if withdrawn.
For guidance on time periods for determining applications, visit the government's Planning Practice Guidance website.
Published on: 22/07/2024