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Grants and loans to improve your home

Home owners, private tenants and private sector landlords may be eligible for a grant or interest-free loan for home maintenance and other costs.

Apply for a grant or loan to make your home accessible

If you, or someone you live with, is disabled and your home needs adapting, you may be eligible for a disabled facilities grant.

Apply for a grant to help with moving costs

If you are disabled, we can give you a grant to help you move to a more suitable home.

How to get grants and loans for home repairs

Find out if you are eligible for our home repairs grants and loans scheme, which you can use to bring your property up to a decent standard.

Grants to help with hospital discharge

You can apply for a grant if you require adaptations or aids to help with being discharged from hospital.

Grants and loans to help bring empty homes back into use

We can offer grants and loans to help owners bring empty properties back into residential use.

Grants for private landlords

Private landlords who own rented properties can apply for a grant to help improve their properties.
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