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Fireworks and animal safety

Read about some practical ways in which you can keep your pets safe around fireworks.

Safety tips for dogs

  • Fit your dog with a collar and a tag that has your contact details on it.
  • Microchip your dog and update the details on the chip if necessary.

  • Walk your dog during daylight hours only. If you have to walk your pet when it's dark, make sure they are wearing a collar or harness and keep a firm grip on the lead.
  • Do not let the dog out, even into the garden when fireworks are going off. If this is not possible and your dog is particularly nervous, put it on a lead in the garden too. A scared dog can clear a seven foot fence.
  • Close the curtains and put music on to muffle the sound of fireworks.
  • If your dog is particularly fearful, see your vet about using Adaptil or a Thundershirt.

Safety tips for cats

  • Keep cats indoors whilst fireworks are going off and provide a litter tray indoors for them.
  • Make sure you cat has somewhere to hide if it wants to - for example under a bed or on top of a wardrobe.
  • If your cat is particularly nervous or fearful speak to your vet about using Feliway.

Safety tips for small animals

  • Partly cover pens, hutches and aviaries to ensure one area is well sound-proofed.
  • Ensure your animal has plenty of bedding to hide in.
  • Check bonfires for hedgehogs and other small mammals before lighting.
  • Avoid using sky lanterns as they can cause severe injury and death to wildlife.

Further advice

For further advice on keeping animals safe near fireworks read guidance from the RSPCA and Battersea Dog's Home.  

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