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Licences not issued by the Licensing Team

Apply for licences, including for food establishments, street trading and taxis and minicabs.

Auction premises

Premises used for public auctions of certain types of goods must be registered for sales by competitive bidding.

Building and construction

When carrying out building work on a property which is adjacent to the public road, you must consider the safety of all road users.

Child performers

Any child taking part in performances, such as broadcast performances, photography or modelling, must have a licence issued by their local authority.

Cooling towers

The Council has to list all cooling towers within the borough. The registration of cooling towers is therefore a legal obligation.

Door supervisors

Door supervisors working at nightclubs and similar premises must be registered by the Security Industry Authority (SIA).


We issue several food related licenses which you must have to register a food business.

Highway projections

A licence is required for any obstructions projecting over, or placed on or in, the highway such as signs, hoardings, buildings and displays.

Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)

Information about licences for houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).

Paid or unpaid work and school aged pupils

Find out what to do if you employ a school-aged pupil in the borough.

Petroleum storage

The London Fire Brigade is responsible for the licensing of petrol filling stations and other commercial petrol storage facilities in London.

Street trading

Find out about street trading licences, including markets and forecourt trading.

Street works

Any person or organisation wishing to excavate in the street who is not a statutory undertaker must obtain a licence.

Sunday trading

Most large businesses face Sunday trading restrictions and must notify us if they want to remain open on a Sunday.

Taxis and minicabs

Find out how to get a taxi or minicab license.
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