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Statements of Common Ground

Statements of Common Ground with neighbouring planning authorities and key statutory consultees.

As part of the on-going duty to cooperate the Council has produced a suite of Statements of Common Ground with its neighbouring planning authorities and key statutory consultees. 

National Planning Policy requires that all local planning authorities have a requirement to produce, maintain and keep up to date a Statement of Common Ground to highlight agreement on cross boundary strategic issues with neighbouring authorities and other relevant organisations. 

The Statements of Common Ground are live documents, to be reviewed and updated regularly so that it reflects the most up-to-date position in terms of joint working, especially:  

  • whenever agreements on outstanding matters have been reached and where progress in addressing strategic cross boundary matters is achieved, or
  • at each subsequent key stage of the plan making process, as it progresses towards adoption. 

To view the Statements of Common Ground please use the links below. Please note that the Council anticipates publishing additional Statements of Common Ground during the forthcoming examination. 

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