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About the Lewisham Local Plan

Find out about the Lewisham Local Plan, which will be the key planning document for the borough.

Lewisham’s new Local Plan will set out a shared vision for the future of the borough along with the planning and investment framework to deliver this vision through to 2040.

It will include policies and guidelines used to determine planning applications, together with the London Plan and Neighbourhood Plans.

Submission of the Lewisham Local Plan to the Secretary of State

On the 3rd of November 2023 Lewisham Council submitted the Lewisham Local Plan and its supporting documents to the Secretary of State for its independent examination.  The Council will now await the appointment of an independent examiner by the Secretary of State.  Further information on the examination of the Lewisham Local Plan can be found on the current and future consultations webpage and the examination website for the Lewisham Local Plan.

Consultation on the Regulation 19 draft Local Plan 

We consulted on the Regulation 19 Lewisham Local Plan - Proposed Submission document from 1st March 2023 until the 25th April 2023.  If you wish to find out more information on the Regulation 19 consultation on the Lewisham Local Plan - Proposed Submission document please visit the Current and Future Consultations webpage.

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan

We consulted on the Lewisham Local Plan: Main Issues and Preferred Approaches document (the draft Local Plan) during January to April 2021. This was a Regulation 18 stage public consultation.

We received feedback from over 1400 local residents, community groups, businesses, government bodies and other organisations. We have prepared a short summary of this feedback and actions we are taking in response to it.

Local Plan: Main Issues and Preferred Approaches consultation summary.

We held a series of online information sessions during the consultation. These were recorded and can be viewed on the Local Plan YouTube channel.

For more information about the Local Plan please visit Local Plan Commonplace. The draft Local Plan can be viewed in full by clicking the ‘Menu’ tab and selecting ‘Download the documents’.

Next Steps

For more information on the next stages of the Lewisham Local Plan please visit the Current and future consultations webpage.

How to get involved

If you require further information or would like to be notified of future consultation opportunities, contact the local plan team by email and ask for your details to be added to our consultation database.

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