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A new local plan for Lewisham

The new local plan will set out a long term strategy for the next 20 years, from 2020 to 2040.

Current and future consultations

Find out more about consultations on the new Local Plan.

Statements of Common Ground

Statements of Common Ground with neighbouring planning authorities and key statutory consultees.

About the Lewisham Local Plan

Find out about the Lewisham Local Plan, which will be the key planning document for the borough.


See the documents for the consultation that happened in 2015.

Sustainability appraisal scoping report

See the sustainability appraisal scoping report for the Lewisham Local Plan. ​

Lewisham infrastructure delivery plan (IDP) – framework document

See the infrastructure delivery plan for the Lewisham Local Plan.

Evidence base

See the documents that justify the strategy and approach of the Local Development Framework.
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