Targeted short breaks for families who have children or young people with a disability
Who can get targeted short breaks
Your child must:
be under 18 years old
live in the borough
have a diagnosed disability
get the higher rate care component of disability living allowance (DLA)
not already get the specialist short breaks service.
If your child doesn't get the higher rate care component of the DLA
If your child does not get the higher rate, but still needs help to access activities, we can assess you to see if you can still get targeted short breaks. To apply, complete the application form electronically below.
The application will be considered on an individual basis by the care package panel.
Entitlement if eligible
If you are eligible, we can help you get 100 hours of short breaks every year by:
- giving you direct payments that you can use to arrange support to meet your child's additional needs while you take a short break inline with their agreed support plan and direct payment agreement.
arranging help at home so you can take a short break
referring you to Rockbourne holiday club, Rockbourne SEN evening or Rockbourne Saturday club.
How to apply
Complete the application form below. You can apply if you are a:
parent or carer
professional, such as a social worker or teacher
service provider.
Apply for a short break
What happens after you apply
If you are eligible
- A member of the short breaks team will contact you to discuss your application to see if you are eligible to receive support for your CYP and family.
The Care Package Reviewing Officer will help you work out which support option will suit your CYP, and family’s needs.
If your CYP is not automatically eligible then their case will be presented to a care package panel to establish if the service can be offered. -
The Care Package Reviewing Officer will work out a support plan for you.
- After 12 months, we will review your short breaks service. If the plan is not meeting the child, young person or families needs, we can change it, or we may decide to end the service is all the outcomes have been achieved.
- If your child can access mainstream without additional support, then we may decide to end your support.
Contact the team
Integrated SEND services for children & young people - Short Breaks Service
Targeted Short Breaks
Lucy Cameron: 07918 612639
Rebecca Burford: 07468 709083
Tiffany Curtis 07468709247