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Universal short breaks for children and young people with disabilities and their families

Anyone can access universal short breaks. These include services for both children and young people with or without disabilities.

Everyone can access universal short breaks, these are mainstream services that cater for disabled and non-disabled children and young people. Parents and carers can get a short break from their caring responsibilities by using these activities.

Cost of activities

There is usually a cost involved with most mainstream activities. This can vary depending on the activity and who provides it. 

It is a parent/carers responsibility to find, select and pay for short breaks activities you want your child or young person to use so you can get a short break. This is the same for families with non-disabled children.

Some universal services may offer discounts for children and young people who have a disability and their carers. It would be the parent/carers responsibility to ask the service directly if they offer special concessions. 

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to assess the quality, safety and any risks associated with the mainstream activities that you would like your child or young person to attend. All service providers are required to make reasonable adjustments for people with a disability under the Equality Act 2010.

Contact the team 

Integrated SEND Services for Children & Young People - Short Breaks Service

Targeted Short Breaks
Rebekah Green: 07341 569895

Targeted Short Breaks
Lucy Cameron: 07918 612639
Rebecca Burford: 07468 709083
Tiffany Curtis 07468709247

Specialist Short Break
Claire Sullivan: 07468 709303
Viviene Allen: 07468 709273
Natalie Baker: 07468 709362

Short Breaks Reviewing Officer
Marianne Johnson: 07920 045899

Admin Apprentice
Charly Harrison: 07901 382958

Email: shortbreaks@lewisham.gov.uk

Services for children and young people with SEND

This page is part of the 'local offer' for children and young people with special educational needs

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