Adult Social Care and Health
Listed below are the privacy notices for services in the Adult Social Care and Health directorate.
Adult Social Care and Health
Information about how and when the Adult Social Care service processes personal information about you.
Adult Social Care survey
Information about how and when Adult Social Care processes personal information about you in relation to the Adult Social Care Survey.
Adult Social Care carer survey
Information about how and when Adult Social Care processes personal information about you in relation to the Adult Social Care Carer Survey.
Joint Commissioning
Information about how and when the Joint Commissioning Team processes personal information about you.
London Care Record
Information about how and when we process information as part of our Connect Care project to deliver adult social care services.
Prevention, Inclusion and Public Health Commissioning
Information about how and when the Prevention, Inclusion and Public Health Commissioning Team processes personal information about you.
Public Health
Information about how and when the Public Health Team processes personal information about you.