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New Bermondsey

Planning permission was granted for the New Bermondsey regeneration scheme (formerly known as Surrey Canal: London's Sporting Village) in 2012.

Strategic sites and the compulsory purchase process

The Lewisham Core Strategy is a key planning policy document and outlines how much development will take place in the borough over the next 15 years as well as where, when, and how it will take place.

The Core Strategy identifies the New Bermondsey site as one of five strategic sites, all of which are located in the northern half of the borough. The transformation of the strategic sites will play a crucial role in creating new places and enabling a transformation of the wider area.

In order to bring about the transformation of the New Bermondsey site we may exercise our compulsory purchase powers in order to acquire the necessary land.

We have been working with landowners and their agents to assist the process of bringing forward development within the earliest possible period. This particularly applies to the strategic site allocations.

Compulsory purchase powers would only be used after negotiation with the relevant land owners has been attempted but no settlement is able to be reached.

Government guidance on the compulsory purchase process and people's right to challenge it. 


Surrey Canal regeneration

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