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Improving air quality and encouraging cycling and walking in north Deptford (Liveable Neighbourhood scheme)

About the Liveable Neighbourhood programme

The Liveable Neighbourhood programme gives boroughs the opportunity to bid for long-term schemes that reduce car trips and encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport.

The scheme is funded by:

  • Transport for London (TfL)
  • London boroughs
  • external match-funding.

What is a Liveable Neighbourhood?

A Liveable Neighbourhood is a place with:

  • healthy streets and public spaces
  • clean air
  • priority given to walking, cycling and public transport.

About the Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood project

In November 2017, Lewisham was one of seven boroughs to get funding from TfL for a Liveable Neighbourhood project. The Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood project focuses on the area surrounding Folkestone Gardens, Deptford Park and Fordham Park. The project will run until 2021/22.

We will be working in partnership with the local community to develop proposals to encourage more people to walk and cycle in north Deptford. Initial proposals include:

  • a new north-south traffic-free route along the former Grand Surrey Canal for walking and cycling
  • making Folkestone Gardens more accessible by bike and foot

  • reducing traffic on local streets
  • new crossings and continuous footways to prioritise pedestrians at side roads and reduce danger from traffic
  • new cycle parking, seating, trees and street lighting for the area.

Find out more

We have been working with Commonplace to find out your views and share news updates and up-to-date proposals, which you will be able to respond to.



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