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Preventing a fire

You can take some simple yet very effective steps to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of fire.

Fire escape plan

Having a plan of action will help you to act quickly if there is a fire. Everyone who lives at or is staying in your home should know this plan.

If a fire starts the priority is to get everyone out and call 999. Don’t try to fight a fire yourself.

  • put a reminder of what to do on the fridge door or notice board  
  • make sure everyone knows where the keys to doors and windows are kept  
  • choose an escape route; the best route is usually the normal way in and out of your home.
  • think of any difficulties you or the other people in your household may have escaping and prepare for these.
  • choose a second escape route as well and keep both  routes clear - remember – if you live on a ground floor, a window could be used as an escape route
  • plan the order that you will escape in, so that if you have to go out of a window you can help others out (ground and first floor only)
  • choose a safe room. If you can’t escape you will need to find a room where you can wait for the Fire Brigade. A safe room should have a window and a telephone

Fire safety measures

The London Fire Brigade offers a wide range of help and advice on how to reduce the chances of fire, including:

Request a home fire safety visit

If you or someone you know is at high risk of fire, e.g. if you are elderly, living alone, have mobility, vision or hearing impairment, you can request the London Fire Brigade pays a visit to offer free advice on home safety.

Useful websites

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