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International Women's Day 2022: The Deputy Mayor and Young Deputy Mayor share their thoughts on promoting gender equality

It’s International Women’s Day – a time when the global community comes together to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year the theme is ‘Break the Bias’.

In Lewisham, tackling inequalities and dismantling stereotypes is at the heart of everything we do. This includes forging an inclusive workplace culture where women feel supported.

Over half of Lewisham’s Cabinet Members and just under half of our 54 councillors identify as women. Here we speak to Young Deputy Mayor, Olivia Mardling and Deputy Mayor Brenda Dacres about what International Women’s Day means to them.

image of olivia marding Olivia Mardling, Young Deputy Mayor

1. Why do you think it’s important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

I believe it is incredibly important to celebrate international women’s day to recognise the achievements of women throughout history but to also shine a light on the fact that global gender equality is not yet achieved however could be in the future if the world acts now.

2. What would you change about the world for women, if you could?

I wish women felt safe in public. Most men feel safe doing simple things like going on a run or walking home but women have to take precautions to ensure they are not followed, catcalled, or assaulted. I would change the world so that women could leave their houses and not feel unsafe because of their gender.

3. Have you faced any biases at school, or elsewhere, due to being a girl? If so, how did you overcome them?

I am lucky to go to an all-girls school, meaning I have not experienced any biases there. I think all-girls schools give young women a space to learn, in an environment where they are never disregarded due to their gender.

4. What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

5. What advice would you give to any women/ girls who are interested in starting out in politics?

I would tell anyone who is considering running for Young Mayor of Lewisham to just do it, even if you know nothing about politics or how councils work. All you need is passion for wanting to make a difference in Lewisham.

6. Who is the most inspirational woman in your life?

My mum because she has always shown me courage, intelligence and kindness. She proves to me that the kindness you give is more important that what anyone thinks of you.

7. If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Rosie Jones because she is a really funny comedian who doesn’t let cerebral palsy hold her back. Jamila Jameel because her podcast ‘I weigh’ promotes weighing yourself based on your good qualities rather than pounds or kilo, and she is an amazing actor and kind person. Finally, Marie Salomea Skłodowska Curie because she is an inspirational scientist who revolutionised physics with her research on radioactivity. She dedicated her life to her work and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

image of councillor brenda dacresCllr Brenda Dacres, Deputy Mayor of Lewisham

1. Why do you think it’s important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

It’s an important day to shine a light on women and the role we play in society. It is to show that we are more than mothers, sisters and daughters, and that we have played a pivotal part in society and culture since the beginning of time.

It is also important that we discuss and show our past and current contribution to the creative arts, science and technology and encourage women and girls to look to the future and not be boxed in by stereotypes as to what they will do and what they can achieve.

2. What would you change about the world for women if you could?

I would want to see an end to violence against women and girls across the world. I want a world where we are safe at home and in the public realm.

3. Have you faced any biases at school, work (or elsewhere) due to being a woman? If so, how did you overcome them?

At school I was made to feel that science, specifically physics, was not a subject for girls. Me and the other two girls studying physics were ignored and did not receive equal treatment in the class. I overcame it by persevering and working even harder to prove them wrong. I went on to achieve an honours degree in Physical Sciences and Computing.

4. What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

The most important piece of advice has come from my parents. It’s that education is key and once you have knowledge in your head no one can take it away from you.

5. What advice would you give to any women/ girls who are interested in starting out in politics?

Don’t let anyone or anything put you off. If it’s a difficult decision for you, then it’s more likely that yours is a voice that’s needed in politics. We need more women with a seat at the table where decisions are made. This ensures the voices of women and girls are not only heard now but also shape the future.

An image of two women - Brenda and her mum - at a ball, wearing ball gowns.6. Who is the most inspirational woman in your life?

The most inspirational woman in my life is my mother, Carmen Dacres. She has worked hard all her life. My parents work in true partnership, which allowed my mother to give back to the community as a school governor and gain a City and Guilds in Horticulture – all while working full time as a mental health nurse and raising four children. She showed me that, with hard work, you can follow your dreams and achieve.

7. If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

If I could have dinner with three inspirational women I would absolutely want to be seated with Michelle Obama. She is my political inspirational woman. Baroness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon for whom I have the utmost respect, admiration and is a fantastic role model. Last but by no means least Oprah Winfrey who is phenomenal and has so much personal experience and wisdom to share. Of course if I could bring my mum with me to share the experience it would be the perfect dinner setting for me, although there are also many other fantastic women I would love to be there too!

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