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Changes to the Be Active leisure programme from October 2022

Councillor Andre Bourne, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, explains why leisure centre charges are having to change in Lewisham in the autumn and how this affects the Be Active programme.

As Lewisham’s Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, I want to explain the extremely difficult decision that we have had to make about our leisure centre charges – changes will happen from 3rd October 2022.

We understand how challenging things are feeling for many people right now in Lewisham with the unprecedented cost of living crisis mounting pressure on households right across our borough and beyond. We also see daily how our leisure centres are a lifeline for so many of our residents – connecting people socially and improving both our mental and physical health. In such tough times, we know that we absolutely have to prioritise the most vulnerable within our communities and make sure that all our residents can access our services.

Years of ongoing Government underfunding and the devastating impact of COVID-19 means that all local authorities are facing intense financial pressure. Across the country, local government is tackling a £4 billion funding gap next year just to keep services running at today’s levels. In real terms, Lewisham Council’s budget has been cut by central Government from £400m in 2010 to £250m today – a loss of £150m. Despite careful financial management, we will still have to make further savings of over £36 million over the next four years. This includes £10 million in 2023/24 from across the Council.

Our leisure centres offer a high quality range of health and fitness classes and equipment for residents of all ages and abilities, with expert support and advice - but they are very expensive to run. Across the country more and more council-run leisure centres are closing, as over a decade of austerity takes its toll on our budgets. We want to protect all our leisure centres in Lewisham, but to do so we unfortunately have to make very difficult decisions in a climate of rapidly rising energy costs.

As a Council we
need to find ways to keep these vital services open for everybody and continue to prioritise our most vulnerable residents.

Leisure changes in October 2022:

The current Be Active scheme in Lewisham offers universal free gym and swim access to all over 60s and doesn’t take into account residents’ income or individual circumstances. In line with most other London councils, we unfortunately now have to change the universal free offer in order to keep leisure services running.

From 3 October 2022, residents over the age of 60 will have access to discounted rates. This will allow us, with such a limited budget, to be able to focus our support on those who need it most. This includes retaining free access for residents with a registered disability, as well as ensuring that older people, those on low incomes and young people can access these discounted rates.

We will be introducing an enhanced leisure programme for older people in our centres this autumn – all at lower rates. The session times and activities types will vary from centre to centre but will include:

 - Additional general exercise classes such as Aqua

 - Designated Swim times
 - Designated Gym times
 - Table tennis sessions

As a charitable social enterprise, GLL (operating as Better) has
 set up a phone helpline to help residents understand these changes and the increased activities available with concessionary rates. For assistance, please call 07483 018 724 or visit the Better website.

Information for Downham Health and Leisure Centre can be gained by calling 020 8461 9200

We understand that these changes to the Be Active scheme will be extremely disappointing and difficult for some of our older residents. We hope that by offering discounted rates to all over 60s together with an increased range of discounted activities, some of this difficulty can, at least, be mitigated slightly. We remain able to provide free access for all residents with disabilities.

We hope that this explains the reasons behind our decision. Please be assured that every saving we try to make as a Council is considered and scrutinised extremely carefully so that we can continue to provide much-needed services to our residents in Lewisham during these very difficult times.

Please find information on our website about support available during the cost of living crisis
. This includes living and food costs support, debt advice, help with employment and training, mental health and volunteering.

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