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Funding community projects - Power The Fight

We’re funding 25 community projects across Lewisham with money from our borough-wide NCIL fund.

Nearly £900k is being invested in various projects, with an additional £260k secured in match funding.

Power The Fight are working with local schools and sports team to help tackle youth violence and support those affected. We spoke to Laura from Power The Fight to find out more.

How will you be using this funding?

The funding will allow us to continue running our Therapeutic Intervention For Peace project in two Lewisham schools - Urban Mission School (formerly TLG) and Sydenham School - as well as establishing the project with Lewisham Tigers Football Club.

The project provides co-designed, culturally sensitive therapeutic work to young people and families affected by youth violence, as well as providing training and support for school staff.

image of power the fight poster

Why is this work so important in Lewisham?

Serious youth violence is an urgent public health crisis, not simply a criminal justice issue, with a disproportionate impact on vulnerable and minority communities. The project will work closely and compassionately with young people and families at risk, addressing the issues that contribute to youth violence and ensuring safer outcomes for young people, families and communities.

How can the wider community help support your work?

Our aim is to empower communities to end youth violence. One of the ways we do this is through training and we are currently delivering a series of training events in partnership with the Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board. We would encourage the wider community to sign up to some of these sessions, find out more about who we are and spend time considering how we can support young people at risk of or affected by youth violence.

Find out more about Power the Fight’s work.

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