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Privacy notice – Safer Communities Service

Information about how and when the Safer Communities Service processes personal information about you.​

What we do

The Safer Communities Service is responsible for delivery of trading standards, licensing, community safety, anti-social behaviour and public nuisance functions within Lewisham.

The Safer Communities Service is responsible for responding to complaints and meeting statutory requirements and responsibilities across these thematic areas.

The Safer Communities Service is also responsible for:

  • Reducing serious violence amongst those under 25 year old with particular focus on knife
    enabled crime, child sexual exploitation and domestic abuse.
  • Tackling all strands of violence against women and girls with particular focus on domestic
    abuse and sexual abuse.
  • Preventing hate crime occurring in Lewisham whilst increasing reporting of hate crime and
    public confidence.
  • Preventing vulnerable people from becoming radicalised.
  • Delivery of the National Extremism Strategy at a local level in Lewisham.
  • Focusing on work in relation to identified geographical hotspots, premises and people of interest. This includes business crime and community safety related issues that impact on local residents. This links with work under the strands of organised crime, including drugs as a driver for violence, firearms, human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, economic
    crime and cybercrime.

What information we collect

We may collect your:

  • name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • NHS number
  • relationship information
  • health information
  • imagery

Agencies we might share the information with

  • DWP
  • National Crime Agency
  • Home Office
  • Health Agencies
  • Education Providers
  • Department for Education
  • London Trading Standards and National Trading Standards
  • Citizens Advice Consumer Service 
  • Other enforcement agencies including but not limited to HMRC, Boarders Agency and other local authorities.
  • National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN)
  • Other appropriate agencies for the purpose of the prevention/detection of crime or the protection of vulnerable people
  • Police
  • GPs
  • NHS

Why we process your information

  • Service delivery
  • Service improvement, prevention and detection of crime and fraud
  • Service planning
  • Prosecution of offenders
  • Intelligence handling and processing
  • The protection of vulnerable people

National circulation of intelligence

We have a local database administrator responsible for the national circulation of intelligence who has received specific training. The database is provided by The Central Organization of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA). 

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