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Privacy notice – Community Development (Grants, Arts, Faith, Positive Ageing)

​Information about how and when the Community Development (Grants, Arts, Faith, Positive Ageing) processes personal information about you.​

What we do

The Cultural and Community Services process a number of grants to the wider community of the borough. These funds are:

One-off funding or loan agreements.

One-off award on a yearly basis – Arts Festival Fund, Small & Faith Fund, Sports Bursary, Positive Ageing Council Fund, Neighbourhood Community Development Partnership and Local Assembly Funds.

Period Funds (eg. 3 years) – Main Grants.

Arts: the Cultural Development Team works with Lewisham organisations to promote innovation and provide opportunities for widening participation in the arts. This includes networking, connecting with funding opportunities and providing support around public art.

Positive Ageing Council: exists as a platform for older people to come together and work on issues that they have identified as priorities to make Lewisham a more age friendly borough.

What information we collect from you


  • name of organisation

  • contact name

  • address/email/telephone

  • company bank details.

Sports Bursary:

  • name of child being awarded grant

  • address/email/telephone

  • club details if applicable

  • bank details for funds to be paid to.

Positive Ageing Council:

  • name

  • email or postal address.

Why we process your information

  • Grants and the Arts: to award community members with funding to help individual sporting development, programme development and organisational capacity-building and good governance.

  • Positive Ageing Council: to provide information about issues, events and activities to the older population of the borough.

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