Advice and information for council tenants, homeowners and private renters.
Information and advice
Get housing support
Get housing advice, find somewhere to live or get help with homelessness.
Council homes
Information for council tenants and leaseholders.
Information for social housing tenants
Advice if you're already a social housing tenant
Private tenants and landlords
Find key information on private lettings in Lewisham.
Affordable ways to buy a home
Get advice about buying your own home.
Grants and loans to improve your home
Home owners, private tenants and private sector landlords may be eligible for a grant or interest-free loan for home maintenance and other costs.
Housing Futures
Lewisham Council has formally taken over responsibility for managing and maintaining more than 19,000 homes across the borough, following the transfer of staff and services from Lewisham Homes.
Housing benefit
Housing benefit is a scheme to help people pay their rent to us, a housing association or a private landlord.
Partners and duty to refer
If you are a public organisation you can tell us about someone who could be homeless.
No recourse to public funds
Information for social workers and professionals about no recourse to public funds, our procedures, duties and responsibilities.
Empty and derelict properties
Report an empty property or find out how to bring your empty property back into use.
Housing strategy and policies
Information about our housing strategy and policies.