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Advice for carers who suddenly can't care for someone

Information about what to do if you suddenly can't care for someone who depends on you.
Can't find what you're looking for or worried about someone's safety?

Contact us.

We can assess your situation and help develop a contingency plan

We can offer – either alone or jointly with the person you care for – an assessment that will outline a contingency plan should something happen that stops you offering care.

This plan will stay on our records so that in the event of an emergency we understand the wishes of the carer and the person they care for.

If you want a formal record of your contingency plan then contact us and request assessment.

Get a carer's emergency card

This is a card that you can keep with you when you are out and about. It has 24-hour response service number on it that you can call in an emergency.

If you are involved in an accident or emergency, the emergency services or others will use this card to contact Linkline, the 24-hour response service, to make sure the person you care for is looked after.

By carrying one, ideally in your purse or wallet, you can be confident that in an emergency the person you care for won’t be left without the support they need. The card is free to all carers living in Lewisham.

The scheme is operated by our 24 hour alarm-response service, Linkline. They will have:

  • all your details
  • details of the person you care for
  • who to contact in an emergency

You will need to give the contact details of the people who would be willing to take your place in an emergency. It is your responsibility to ensure that the people you name are happy to be contacted in the event of an emergency.

If you are not able to find anyone to take your place in an emergency, or they are not available when they are needed, the alarm response centre will make sure the person you care for is safe.

Your card will have the 24-hour response service printed on it and your personal ID number. This ID number can then be matched to your personal emergency action plan and the contact person you have selected who would be willing to take your place in an emergency.

How to apply

To apply for a carer's emergency card, fill in the form below and return it to Linkline Telecare Service, Roseview, 122 Marsala Road, Lewisham SE13 7AF. It takes at least 28 days for us to process your application. After we have processed your application, we will send your emergency card in the post.

If you are already registered with the scheme and you need to contact Linkline to amend your details or get a replacement card you can contact them on 020 8690 8675.

If you need more information about the scheme or you need advice or information supporting someone as a carer, please contact us using the details below.

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Carer's emergency card application form

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