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Planning obligations SPD

Read the planning obligations SPD.
Planning service charges

Planning services have introduced new charges for withdrawing planning applications that have not been validated. These charges are to recover administrative costs. The charge for Non-Major applications is £41.67 (£50 including VAT) and for Major applications, it is £125 (£150 including VAT).

The LDF Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides greater transparency and openness in the way planning obligations are agreed with developers.

The SPD provides additional information to implement the policies in the development plan and will be a material consideration in determining planning applications within the borough.

The SPD provides specific guidance on​ circumstances when obligations will be secured; the type of contributions for affordable housing and other mitigation measures that may be sought such as in relation to offsetting carbon impacts of a development.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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