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New Cross Gate SPD

Read about the emerging New Cross Gate Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

Following the adoption of the New Cross Gate Framework and Station Opportunity Study (the Framework) and as agreed at the Mayor and Council meeting in April 2019, a draft SPD for New Cross Gate is being produced. 

The area covered by this SPD is localised around New Cross Gate station and falls within the Lewisham, Catford and New Cross Opportunity Area as designated by the London Plan 2016. 

What is the Framework?

In summary, it:  

  • defines the existing character of New Cross through an extensive study of the area  
  • presents an overarching vision for the future of New Cross that retains this character, and establishes a set of guiding principles to achieve this vision  
  • defines a series of big ideas (spatial and economic strategies) to promote and guide change in New Cross in accordance with the vision  
  • identifies and illustrates a variety of projects, large and small, with the potential to cumulatively achieve the big ideas and realise the vision for the study area over time.

Its purpose was to:

  • form part of the evidence base for the emerging Lewisham Local Plan
  • help justify investment in the Bakerloo Line Extension (BLE) in terms of new jobs, homes and public realm for New Cross Gate, as well as showing how existing character can be protected and supported  
  • inform funding bids for transport and regeneration initiatives 
  • support a TfL study into potential improvements to the A2 corridor  
  • set a trajectory for new development to inform discussions with developers and designers, helping to retain the character of New Cross into the future 
  • inform more detailed work by TfL on the design of a new BLE station at New Cross Gate in the future.

Read the New Cross area framework document (PDF)

What consultation took place on the Framework?

The public consultation programme ran from November 2017 to December 2018 and involved workshops, one-to-ones, site visits, public drop-in events, presentations, exhibitions, library notices, and online consultations. More detailed information on the material presented and responses received can be read in Chapter 7.2 of the Framework.     

The draft New Cross Gate SPD

The document has been prepared in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. It supplements the adopted Lewisham Local Plan by providing additional guidance to help ensure that forthcoming developments are planned in a coherent way and deliver a high-quality built environment and public realm.

Timeframe of the SPD

  • Consultation from 4 November5 January 2020
  • January 2020–February 2020 – representations made, collated and analysed
  • March 2020–April 2020 – we will publish our response to representations on our website and incorporate them into the SPD then reconsult on the SPD.
  • Mid 2020 – we intend to publish the document.

If you are interested in learning more about the SPD for New Cross Gate please sign up to our emails.

Consultation on our proposed SPD

The consultation is now closed.

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