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Lewisham town centre examination

Inspector's report of the Lewisham town centre local plan.
Planning fees increasing

Planning fees are changing from 1 April 2025. Fees for planning applications will rise by 1.7%. A draft fee schedule is published on the Planning Portal. Other non-statutory planning fees will increase by an average of 2.7%.

We adopted the Lewisham town centre local plan on the 26 February 2014. Please visit the main Lewisham town centre local plan page to download the adopted version of the plan.

A six week legal challenge period to the adoption of the plan will begin in March 2014. Further information will be found on the main Lewisham town centre local plan page when the legal challenge period begins.

Inspector's report

On the 13 January 2014 the Inspector published his report finding the Lewisham town centre local plan submission version to be sound subject to modifications.

The Inspector's report and the modifications can be downloaded below:

Previous stages of the examination

On 28 September 2012 we submitted our Lewisham town centre local plan (LTCLP) to the Secretary of State. An independent planning inspector, Roy Foster MA MRTPI has now been appointed to conduct the examination of this local plan. 

The Inspector will make a judgement on whether the local plan is 'sound' and legally compliant. If so we can formally adopt the plan.

Two days of examination of the Lewisham town centre local plan took place on 15–16 January 2013. Following an additional day of examination on 9 July 2013, we consulted on five further main modifications. For further information on the modifications consultation see the bottom of this page.

The examination library list can be found below containing weblinks to all relevant documents. For further information on the submitted plan please visit the Lewisham town centre submission webpage.

Inspector's queries and response - November 2012

The documents below contain the Inspector's initial comments and queries regarding the Lewisham town centre local plan and our responses to these queries.

​Additional representations

Further written representations were made on the schedules of recommended modifications which were subjected to consultation from 1 October 2012 to 12 November 2012. These representations are listed below, along with a summary of our response.

Inspector's invitation to respond to certain matters and Procedural Guidance on the examinations

On 28 November 2012, the Inspector issued an invitation to those who had made representations on the proposed Local Plans to respond to specific 'matters'. The Inspector also issued a Procedural Guidance Note containing information on procedural matters relating to the examination of the two Local Plans. 

Agenda for examination of the Local Plan – January 2013

The agendas for the examination of the Lewisham town centre local plan held over 15–16 January can be accessed via the links below:

Matters arising at the examination

The documents listed have been prepared following discussion during the Lewisham town centre local plan examination:

Modifications consultation – January 2013

Following the hearing days in January, a number of amendments were required and consultation on these modifications to the plan were advertised for comment from March–May 2013. The modifications are set out below.

The representations received were forwarded to the Inspector, and are set out below.

The agendas for the examination of the Lewisham town centre local plan held on 9 July 2013 can be accessed via the links below:

Modifications consultation – August – October 2013

Following the hearing day in July, the Inspector suggested five further main modifications. These were advertised from August–October 2013. The modifications documents are set out below.

The representations received were forwarded to the Inspector, and are set out below.

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