Lewisham town centre local plan
See the Lewisham town centre local plan, which was adopted in 2014.
Planning service charges
Planning services have introduced new charges for withdrawing planning applications that have not been validated. These charges are to recover administrative costs. The charge for Non-Major applications is £41.67 (£50 including VAT) and for Major applications, it is £125 (£150 including VAT).
Lewisham town centre local plan documents
The LTCLP guides where and how development should take place over the next five to ten years and it will be used by us to determine planning decisions within Lewisham town centre.
Issues and options consultation
Documents for the 2005 consultation on Lewisham town centre.
Preferred options
Documents for the 2007 consultation about Lewisham town centre.
Further options consultation
Documents for the 2011 consultation about Lewisham town centre.
Pre-submission version of the Lewisham town centre local plan.
Lewisham local plan documents submitted for examination in 2012.
Inspector's report of the Lewisham town centre local plan.