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Free parking for two hours in Perry Vale car park

Free parking is now available in the Perry Vale car park for up to two hours.
Parking system

The permit system is now back up and running. If you are still experiencing any issues, contact our Permit Team on 020 8787 5397, option 3, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm or email our team at lewishamparkingpermits@nslservices.co.uk.

This provides visitors to the area, which includes the nearby library, swimming pool and shops, with a viable alternative to parking on the road during the current development road works on Dartmouth Road.

The scheme

There is two-hour free parking.

We will then review the scheme’s success, considering whether more people are using the car park and the effect on street parking.

After the first two hours

Please note that normal parking charges will apply after the first two hours. Signs displayed within the car park give details of any charges.

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