How to pay your rent
1. Set up a standing order
You can set up a standing order to pay us rent every month automatically, using the bank details below.
Please ensure your 10 digit rent account number is used as ‘reference’. We can send you a standing order form if you need one.
Account name: London Borough of Lewisham
Account number: 93380513
Sort code: 20-00-00
Bank: Barclays Bank Ltd.
2. Pay online
Paying your rent
3. Pay by card
You can pay by card at any:
Post office
Paypoint location
Please see the back of the card for further instructions when making payments at any of the above locations.
2. Pay using our automated telephone service
You can pay over the phone by calling 020 8690 8707.
When using the service, please choose the relevant option for ‘Housing Rent’ and then enter the ten digit rent account number printed at the bottom of the card when prompted.
Please note: the service does not always provide the balance on the account, however you may still use it to make payments, provided the rent account number is correctly entered and accepted.
4. Make a BACS payment/s
You can make a BACS payment to us, using our details:
- London Borough of Lewisham
- Account number: 93380513
- Sort code: 20-00-00
- Bank: Barclays Bank Ltd.