Report fraud
Fraud allegations we investigate
Our Anti-Fraud and Corruption Team investigates any allegations of fraud against the Council. There are specialist fraud areas that cover:
- concerns about staff
- contractors
- Blue Badges
- grants
- council tax discounts and reliefs
- social care claims
Housing fraud
If you suspect that someone is committing housing fraud, including illegally subletting their council home, let us know about it.
When somebody with a council house rents it out without permission or obtains a home by providing false information, they are guilty of housing fraud.
There are different types of housing fraud including:
- illegal subletting – the tenant lives elsewhere and sublets the whole of the property to others
- abandonment – the tenant no longer lives at the property, leaving it empty fraudulent application – a person gets a property by giving false information in their
- application, for example, not telling us they are renting another council or housing association property
- Right to Buy and Cash incentive Scheme fraud – the tenant provides false information to fraudulently qualify for these schemes
Successful cases include:
- a Right to Buy application cancelled and a possession order granted for subletting
- a tenant, who was subletting, voluntarily ended their tenancy to avoid legal action
What can you do to help?
If you suspect someone in your neighbourhood is committing this crime, report it now:
- report housing fraud online
- email
- telephone the fraud hotline on 0800 0282028
People who are committing housing fraud are denying homes to people in genuine need.
What happens next?
We will investigate your concerns and take the necessary action. If someone is found to have committed housing fraud that person could lose their tenancy.
We treat all calls and emails in the strictest confidence.
Benefit fraud
The Department for Work and Pensions handle benefit fraud, including housing benefit. You can report benefit fraud online or call them on 0800 854 440.
Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
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