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Support for young people leaving care

Find out what support we can offer to young people leaving our care.

About the local offer

Our local offer is designed to help young people leaving care in the borough. It has been created in consultation with our care leavers and young people in our care. It tells you:

  • what support you are entitled to
  • how to make the most out of the services available to you
  • about the transition into adulthood and independence.

You will also find information about:

  • your personal adviser
  • your rights
  • finding somewhere to live
  • what financial support you can get
  • education, training and employment support
  • health and wellbeing support
  • getting involved and getting heard
  • unaccompanied asylum-seeking care leavers
  • useful contacts.

Who can get support 

To qualify for support, you must have been in our care for at least either:

  • 13 weeks between the ages of 14 and 16 (including your 16th birthday)
  • 13 weeks after your 16th birthday

If you claimed asylum as an unaccompanied child and have been supported by us, you can get the same support as a care leaver, if you meet the above criteria.

Free prescriptions for young people leaving care

We’ve partnered with the local NHS so care leavers don't need to pay for items prescribed by their GP.

You can apply for a pre-payment prescription certificate, allowing you to pick up prescriptions from any local pharmacy for free if:

  • you’re a care leaver aged 18-25

You can't apply if:

  • you're on benefits (you're already entitled to free prescriptions)
  • you don't have maternity or medical exemptions
  • you're already entitled to the NHS Low Income Scheme (HC2/HC3) or other existing schemes

You can apply for your pre-payment certificate yourself, or ask your personal advisor to apply on your behalf. Nurses, community paediatricians, or adult disability support staff can also apply on your behalf. 

Once your application's approved, your pre-payment certificate will be emailed to your inbox. 

For more information about this offer, please email the leaving care personal advisers on CYPCSCLCSPersonalAdvisers@lewisham.gov.uk.

Read the local offer

Download our local offer information pack for care leavers.

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