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Corporate parenting

When a child comes into care, the council becomes the Corporate Parent. This means there is a shared responsibility across the council to ensure that children and young people in our care or leaving care are supported.

Our corporate parent responsibilities

As the corporate parent we are responsible for providing the best possible care and safeguarding for children and young people. This responsibility is shared between the council, the elected members, all of its employees and partner agencies. We have a Corporate Parenting Board every three months, made up of senior leaders and elected local Councillors, whose role it is to ensure statutory corporate parenting duties are being fulfilled. 

When a child or young person comes into our care we will do everything we can to make them safe and secure. Our vision for children and young people in our care is that they know we care and we won’t give up on them. We want to make sure that all young people who have been in our care feel confident about themselves and their future. 

Our pledges

Our corporate parenting strategy sets out our pledges on our six key ambitions, how we intend to make sure our care experienced children and young people have a positive care experience and we make a bigger difference in their lives, both now and in the future. 

  1. We are proud parents
  2. This is my home
  3. Healthy and well
  4. Having a voice
  5. Aspirations and ambitions
  6. Being independent 

Placement sufficiency strategy

In our second pledge 'This is my home' we pledge that children in our care will know where they will grow up, they will receive good quality care, they will be supported to stay in the same place and we will do everything we can to help them feel safe and secure in their home. We have set out in our placement sufficiency strategy what we will do to realise this ambition and it has been developed in consultation with service leads, external providers, and importantly our care experienced children and young people.

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