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Children in care council

For Lewisham's young people who have experience of being in care.

Lewisham's Children in Care Council (CiCC) is a group of children and young people in care aged seven to 17 who meet regularly to discuss important issues about the care system. 

There is also a group called 'Elevation’ for our young adults aged 18 to 25 who have experience of being in care.

These two groups make sure the views of children and young people help to shape the way care services are run in Lewisham.

The Children in Care Council and Elevation members are involved in:

  • Gathering feedback from children in care and care leavers to represent their voices to people in the council, to make sure they are being good Corporate Parents.
  • Contributing to important policies and ways of working to make sure children’s voices are properly represented in planning services for and about them.  
  • Delivering training to social workers and foster carers. 
  • Recruiting social workers, Independent Reviewing Officers and the senior leaders, including the Director’s of Children’s Services.
  • Inspecting and evaluating services, to check they are doing what they should be and making a positive difference.

Trips and days out

The two groups take part in fun activities alongside their important work. Over the past few years trips and days out have included cycling, kayaking, theatre, poetry, recording music.

How to get involved

Ask your social worker or your foster carer to help you sign up and support you to come to the meetings. You can also sign up by emailing Mana.Gondora@lewisham.gov.uk

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