Children looked after placed in Lewisham by other local authorities
How other authorities should notify us
You should consult us if you plan to place a child from your local authority in the borough of Lewisham and it is a ‘distant’ placement. This is in line with the 2014 amendments to the Care Planning Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010
Once a decision has been to go ahead you should tell us the child’s details by writing to Lewisham Children’s Social Care, Placements Team, Laurence House, 1st Floor, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU.
You can also use this address to tell us when a looked after child leaves the borough or moves address.
Overview of services available for looked after children
When a decision is made to place a looked after child in the borough, contact us as soon as possible to discuss if they need a school place.
Each school has a designated teacher for looked after children whose role is to promote the educational achievement of all looked after children at that school.
The Lewisham Virtual School works collaboratively with other local authorities and supports schools with queries relating to children on their roll who may be placed in the borough by another local authority.
Children with special educational needs (SEN)
Social workers should contact our admissions and appeals team if any looked after children with a Statement of Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are moving into Lewisham.
The social worker will help identify appropriate support for the child and will monitor this on behalf of the placing authority.
Early years and childcare provision
Looked after children aged two, three, or four can get 15 hours free childcare per week for the following number of weeks:
- 14 in the autumn term
- 12 in the spring term
- 12 in the summer term
Children’s centres
There are a range of activities and services in our children’s centres, alongside more intensive individual family support work.
Health services
All children and young people living in the borough have access to universal health services which includes:
- GP
- midwifery
- school nursing
- health visitor
- contraception and sexual health services (CASH)
- secondary health care services provided by University Hospital Lewisham.
Find information about support for carers or young people to find a local service.
Young people can access the following websites for advice and information about the locations of sexual health clinics:
- KISP (Knowledge is power) provides information for young people in Lewisham about contraception, sex and relationships, sexual health and related issues.
- The Come Correct (or CCard) scheme provides access to free condoms in a variety of locations (called Outlets) across London. Once registered you can collect condoms or get advice from any Outlet displaying the Come Correct logo.
Mental health
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Lewisham has a specialist service for looked after children known as the Symbol team. If a specialist service is required for looked after children placed in the borough this will be charged to clinical commissioning group for the placing authority.
For further information contact: Caroline Hirst, Commissioning team 020 8314 3368.
Kooth is a free online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, which is accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop.
Missing children
MASH screens all notifications for missing children placed in Lewisham by another local authority. They will forward the notification to that local authority to act upon and if the child or young person is thought to be at immediate risk of harm, you the home authority will be contacted immediately.