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Family Thrive

Family Thrive provides intensive family support by working closely with the whole family to enable positive outcomes.

Every family faces challenges. Family Thrive provides targeted early help, working with you and your family so that small problems don’t become bigger. Working with families who have children aged 0 to 18 years (or up to 25 years if SEND), who may require additional support to help them be happier and healthier. 

We work closely with schools and other professionals with your consent. We work with families for up to 26 weeks and will complete an Early Help Assessment with you, which will include having Team Around Family meetings with you, your family and professionals to ensure there is a focused family led plan that is reviewed to ensure we are supporting you achieve the goals you want to achieve.

What does Family Thrive involve?

  • A Family Practitioner is someone who will be working with you and your family as the lead professional.  The lead professional is someone who will make sure you receive the right support at the right time by working together with you, your family and any other professionals involved. They will always ask your permission and keep you informed of their worries and what they see is working well in your family.  They will also listen to your wishes and your worries, meet with you regularly, help make changes to areas of your family life causing you worries.
  • An Early Help Assessment (EHA) is nothing to be worried about. It can start with a conversation to work out how to help you stop small problems becoming bigger and more difficult to manage. It is good to talk about things that are going well and things that you’re proud of as well as things that you’re finding a challenge. Together you’ll agree what to write down in the EHA so there is a record of what you talked about. If help is needed from other services you do not need to keep repeating your story. 
  • We like to involve children and young people as much as possible in our work, to ensure their views, wishes and goals are incorporated into the work we do.  With your consent we will talk with your child or children or arrange for somebody who knows your child or children to speak to them.
  • A Team Around Family (TAF) brings together people you know or who can offer support.  Together, we can help you and your family find ways to solve any problems you are having. You can say who you want to come to the meeting and all agreements are made with your consent.

If you do not need a Family Practitioner, an Early Help Coordinator can speak to you about which Early Help service may be the most useful for you and your family. They will not be allocated to you as your lead professional but can support you with a Team Around Family meeting, signpost you to service, help you complete referrals.

Family Thrive contacts

Angelique Lewis, Head of Prevention and Early Help Angelique.Lewis@lewisham.gov.uk 
Billie Murdoch, Group Manager, Family Thrive                          07876 066 335
Family Thrive duty team 020 8314 7333
MASH (Multi-agency safeguarding hub) 020 8314 6660

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