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Advice about selling fruits and vegetables

The law requires that fruits and vegetables are sold to consumers in a particular way.

General requirements

  • by net weight
  • in the case of countable produce either by net weight or number

  • by the bunch.

You must make the quantity known to the buyer before they pay for or take possession of the food.

This does not apply to soft fruits and mushrooms.

Requirements for soft fruits and mushrooms

Soft fruits and mushrooms, when sold in open containers not marked with the weight, must have their weight made known to the buyer before they pay for it, or take possession of the food.

How to make the weight known

You can either:

  • weigh the goods in the presence of the buyer or 

  • pre-weigh and mark the weight on the container or

  • display a group weight notice with the goods.

In the last instance it would be the seller's responsibility to ensure that every container contains not less than the stated weight.

If the container is made of a lightweight material you can include it in the stated weight.

Other general guidelines

  • Scales should be checked for balance every day.

  • Scales should be positioned so buyers can have a clear and unobstructed view of the weighing.

  • Where goods are sold by weight the unit price shall be the price per kilogram.

  • The price per pound equivalent is only allowed as a secondary indication. This must follow the price per kilogram and be less prominent.

  • Additional price information is also permitted after the price per kilogram has been displayed e.g. £3.50 kg / £1.75 500g / 35p 100g.

  • Price marking must be clear and unambiguous.


Safer Communities Service (Trading Standards)

9 Holbeach Road, LONDON SE6 4TW
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