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Age restriction advice for alcohol retailers

Steps we suggest retailers take to prevent the sale of alcohol to under-age customers.

You and your staff could be prosecuted for selling alcohol to someone under 18 and you could lose your licence.

Steps to discourage under-age customers from trying to buy alcohol:

  • Clearly display signs explaining that it is illegal to sell alcohol to people under 18.

  • Clearly display signs explaining that it is illegal for people under 18 to buy alcohol.
  • Request proof of age documents for anyone wanting to buy alcohol who appears to be under 21. Display signs to let staff and customers know about this policy.

  • Keep a register listing times when you refused alcohol because someone appeared to be under age.

Steps to ensure that your staff are aware of their responsibilities and carry out their duties correctly:

  • Give staff written information about the age restrictions for the sale of alcohol and train them in what they should do to avoid selling it to under-age people.

  • Get your staff to sign to show that they have understood the information. Make sure new staff sign before they serve customers for the first time.

  • Reissue the written information every six months and have staff sign to show that they have received it.

  • Ensure that the written information includes details of the under 21 proof of age policy for alcohol. Include examples of documents that can be used to verify proof of age (e.g. photo driving licence, passport, photo card) and information on how to complete the refusals register.

  • Monitor staff regularly to check how they are dealing with customers who want to buy alcohol.

  • Display reminder information about age restrictions on the sale of alcohol at the point of sale.

  • If you have barcode and price-scanning technology, and the system allows, set up an audible and visible reminder for staff to check the age of the customers who want to buy alcohol.


Safer Communities Service (Trading Standards)

9 Holbeach Road, LONDON SE6 4TW
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