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Why Regular Cleaning Services pays the London Living Wage

Gemma and Luke Bowers, directors of Regular Cleaning Services, tell us why they became recognised service providers with the Living Wage Foundation.

What motivated us to become a recognised service provider with the Living Wage Foundation

Becoming a recognised service provider with the Living Wage Foundation means we can offer our clients the opportunity to pay their cleaners the Living Wage. This allows us to offer a higher level of service to our clients built on:

  • higher productivity
  • reduced absenteeism
  • increased motivation
  • representation of the family and social values our company was founded on.


Working with the foundation to promote the Living Wage allows us to approach clients in our portfolio who we know are interested in, and espouse, similar social values to us, making us a more attractive prospect for business.

Our ability to pay the London Living Wage outside of our headquarters is highly dependent on our client’s budgets, and so it is not always possible to provide our mobile operatives with the London Living Wage. But we make the case that paying the London Living Wage helps to:

  • provide quality and assurance of staff
  • reduce absenteeism
  • increase retention
  • meet our clients’ corporate social responsibility targets and their commitment to be an ethical employer.

The London Living Wage is a respectful and necessary wage, especially in London, where the cost of living is only getting higher. Paying it helps us make sure that our staff live a happier life and this in turn is reinvested in our company through a less stressed and happier work force.

The challenges

It can be hard for employers to pay the increased staff costs, but we believe these are offset by the major benefits you will gain. That is why, when applying for work, we offer clients a stepped plan of progression towards fully paying the London Living Wage, offering a softer and gradual approach towards a fair wage. 

Why we'd recommend the scheme

A business is only as good as the people it can attract to work for it. The London Living Wage helps to attract and retain motivated and productive staff and apply pressure on other businesses to respect their employees.

The process of applying and becoming a recognised service provider was simple and easy.

Regular Cleaning Services
Aldworth House 
1 Aldworth Grove
SE13 6HJ
Tel: 020 8690 4488

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