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Why Good Food Catford pays the London Living Wage

Good Food Catford is a community-centred grocery store and deli which opened in 2016 after a popular and successful crowdfunding campaign.

They became accredited London Living Wage employers in February 2016. Owner Vicky Skingley told us why she signed up to the London Living Wage.

What motivated me to sign up

It wasn’t really a tough choice, it was just the right thing to do, to pay people a decent wage for the work they do and the costs of living in London. I have a commitment to the local community and that commitment starts with investing in the local people that work for me.

The benefits

When you treat people respectfully you get the best out of them as an employer. I’ve got some great people working for me and the living wage really helps me to retain and motivate them. The London Living Wage plays a large part in making them feel valued and a part of the businesses success.

Paying the London Living Wage has also helped me to attract customers who buy into its moral ethos, and that really strengthens the social enterprise, community-focussed business model I run.

The challenges

Payroll is a big commitment. £3 extra an hour can, for some small businesses, be too much. But it is very easy and straightforward to apply and become accredited, and the benefit you get from employee buy-in into your business is massive.

Why I'd recommend the scheme to others

I would definitely recommend the London Living Wage to any employer. Paying people more per hour really motivates your workforce to feel like a valuable part of the business. If you treat people like they are dispensable then you won’t get the most out of them. Paying the London Living Wage is the respectful and morally right thing to do.


Good Food Catford

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