Tell us if you're having problems with your account
Contact us if you’re having trouble logging in or using our online forms.
Forgot your password?
The below form is for reporting issues logging into your MyLewisham account only. If you are experiencing issues with the following pages then please use the corresponding contacts:-
Council tax and housing benefit
There is a separate form to tell us you are having problems with council tax or housing benefit (you must be logged in to your MyLewisham account in order to be able to access this link)
Rubbish and recycling
There is a separate form to tell us you are having problems with online rubbish and recycling services
For issues or queries related to the Parking environment please contact the relevant team for Penalty Charge Notices (PNNs) or Permits
Tell us about a problem with your MyLewisham account
Published on: 05/12/2024