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Advice in an emergency

General advice on what to do in an emergency.

General advice

  • call 999 if people are injured or if there is a threat to life
  • follow the advice of the emergency services
  • in the case of injury attend to yourself before attempting to help others
  • don't put yourself or others in danger.

In most cases the advice is GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN.

If you are not involved in an incident but are close by or believe you may be in danger:

  • go inside and close doors and windows
  • stay inside for as long as it is safe to do so – depending on the incident, stay away from doors and windows
  • tune in to your local radio station, TV or internet news channels – emergency responders will use these to issue specific advice to the public.

Obviously, there will be times when it is not safe to ‘go in’ – for example if there’s a fire or if you are advised to take alternative action by the emergency services. In this case you might need to find temporary alternative accommodation.

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