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Emergencies at school

All Lewisham schools are responsible for developing plans on how they will manage local emergencies such as fire and flood.

Schools should inform parents of their plan and who parents should contact at the school in an emergency.

You can help by making sure your child’s school has your most up-to-date contact details.

If a school is affected by an emergency

The safety of children is the school’s main priority.

If the school needs to be evacuated, children will be taken to a safe place nearby and the school will contact you to let you know what to do.

If you hear there is an emergency at your child’s school, please do not go to the school as it may not be safe to do so. Instead, you should:

Find out more about what to do in an emergency.

If a school is affected by severe weather

No school in Lewisham will make the decision to close any classes unless weather conditions are extreme, surface conditions make the site unsafe, or where severe transport disruption prevents sufficient numbers of staff getting to school.

The decision to close a school is taken by the headteacher and parents will be contacted if it intends to close. If you are unsure if a school is open look at the school's website.

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